- 目錄
1. 具備深厚的品質管理理論知識,熟悉iso質量管理體系及其他相關標準。
2. 熟練運用各種培訓方法和工具,如課堂講授、模擬演練、在線學習等。
3. 擁有良好的溝通技巧,能有效傳達復雜的質量理念和標準。
4. 具備項目管理和組織協調能力,能策劃和執(zhí)行各類培訓活動。
5. 對企業(yè)業(yè)務有深入理解,能夠針對性地設計培訓內容。
1. 培訓需求分析:收集各部門反饋,識別員工在質量控制方面的知識和技能缺口。
2. 課程設計:根據需求開發(fā)培訓課程,包括理論講解、案例分析、實操練習等模塊。
3. 培訓實施:組織和執(zhí)行培訓活動,確保培訓過程的高效和專業(yè)。
4. 效果評估:通過測試、問卷調查等方式,評估培訓效果并收集改進建議。
5. 持續(xù)改進:根據評估結果調整培訓內容和方法,保持培訓的時效性和有效性。
6. 知識傳播:創(chuàng)建和維護內部質量知識庫,促進知識的共享和傳承。
7. 合作與協調:與各部門協作,確保培訓與實際工作需求相匹配,提高培訓的實用性。
第1篇 質量培訓崗位職責
質量管理培訓生 無憂 上海無憂供應鏈管理有限公司,無憂,無憂物流,無憂 1、熟悉掌握公司質量管理體系,明確質量監(jiān)控規(guī)則;
第2篇 質量培訓主管崗位職責任職要求
? 參與制定、修訂并部門sop,跟進收集sop的依從和反饋信息;
? 執(zhí)行sop相關的培訓和考評工作;
? 組織團隊執(zhí)行臨床試驗質量控制活動,包括但不限于實施質控協同監(jiān)查,項目主文件核查以及參與制定和跟進糾正和預防措施;
? 完善問題上報和記錄系統,建立質量體系的數據收集和分析系統,為后續(xù)試驗項目的規(guī)劃和實施提供參考。
? 協助或協調臨床試驗項目或研究中心準備和接受稽查,或法規(guī)部門的檢查和視察;
? 對臨床試驗核心文件的撰寫和修訂,提供質量管理方面的建議。
? 根據相關法規(guī)要求、行業(yè)趨勢,公司的質量體系要求,制定培訓計劃;
? 組織團隊落實部門的專業(yè)培訓計劃,收集培訓反饋,跟進培訓結果;
? 主導并維護部門的專業(yè)知識庫,協助督促有關人員學習并完成簽認紀錄;
? 實施標桿對照,向部門和團隊推薦最佳實踐;
? 按照運營部要求,提供臨床監(jiān)查的現場培訓以及情景模擬,以規(guī)范培訓和考察監(jiān)查技能。
1學歷:□無學歷要求 □中專/高中 □大專 ■本科 □碩士 □博士或以上
3工作經驗/行業(yè)經驗/本崗位經驗:□應屆畢業(yè)生 □1-3年 □3-5年 ■5-8年 □8年以上
6外語程度:□不要求 ■cet-4 □cet-6 □tem-8 □其他語言,請具體說明
7計算機能力:□不要求 ■熟練操作office軟件 □國家計算機二級 □國家計算機三級 □其他
8出差頻率:□不出差 □偶爾出差 ■經常出差
第3篇 質量培訓主管崗位職責
質量主管(需德國培訓) 4.key accountabilities (tasks & responsibilities)
4.1plant set-up phase
?one of the key play to assit the quality manager / director in implementing plant quality system.
?work with various processs and production engineer and other support team to set up qualtiy assuracne criterion control at the ciritcal process according to the plant quality system and customer requirement.
?prepare quality assuracne work instruction, procedure, record etc according to the qualtiy system requirement.
4.2production phase
?maintenance and control the updated documentation and recording
?support and assist others when customer audit
?follow up action on descripancy after 3rd party certification audit or customer audit
?report direct to the quality manager / director
6.qualification & competencies
6.1education / qualification
?university degree in engineering discipline or related
?trained or qualified lead assesser.
6.2work e_perience
?professional e_perience: 8-10 years (senior engineer) or 4-5 years (engineer) of working e_perence in pcb plant with relevant e_perience in product qualtiy assurance .
?e_perience in iatf 16949 (ts 16949) quality system for pcb plant : 3-4 years
?e_perience in implement quality system will be an advantage.
6.3methods & programs
?knowlegde of quality system, iso 140001, ts 16949 etc….
?knowledge of statistical tool. fish bone diagram, 8d, doeetc…
6.4skills (e.g. convincing, teamwork, fle_ibility, leadership skills, languages)
?good communication skills
?good knowledge in power point, e_cel, work or other softwave
?detail oriented, methodically working, stringent in procedure and document control.
?ability for own responsible activities and fle_ibility in daily work
?open for other cultural thinking
?always open for improvements 4.key accountabilities (tasks & responsibilities)
4.1plant set-up phase
?one of the key play to assit the quality manager / director in implementing plant quality system.
?work with various processs and production engineer and other support team to set up qualtiy assuracne criterion control at the ciritcal process according to the plant quality system and customer requirement.
?prepare quality assuracne work instruction, procedure, record etc according to the qualtiy system requirement.
4.2production phase
?maintenance and control the updated documentation and recording
?support and assist others when customer audit
?follow up action on descripancy after 3rd party certification audit or customer audit
?report direct to the quality manager / director
6.qualification & competencies
6.1education / qualification
?university degree in engineering discipline or related
?trained or qualified lead assesser.
6.2work e_perience
?professional e_perience: 8-10 years (senior engineer) or 4-5 years (engineer) of working e_perence in pcb plant with relevant e_perience in product qualtiy assurance .
?e_perience in iatf 16949 (ts 16949) quality system for pcb plant : 3-4 years
?e_perience in implement quality system will be an advantage.
6.3methods & programs
?knowlegde of quality system, iso 140001, ts 16949 etc….
?knowledge of statistical tool. fish bone diagram, 8d, doeetc…
6.4skills (e.g. convincing, teamwork, fle_ibility, leadership skills, languages)
?good communication skills
?good knowledge in power point, e_cel, work or other softwave
?detail oriented, methodically working, stringent in procedure and document control.
?ability for own responsible activities and fle_ibility in daily work
?open for other cultural thinking
?always open for improvements